Know our trees: What to plant and what to avoid.

Our tree identification guides were created as a companion to our workshops. They explain how to identify trees, going over the different canopy, leaf and flower shapes, and give an explanation of what the Plant-Insect-Bird relationship means. They contain identifying features of common native and non-native plants of Mumbai. Physical copies are given out at all workshops, but an online version is available here

We also were commissioned to create a guide for a school. This identification guide also contains information on local butterflies and birds along with native and non-native plants.

Plant Guide Given to Workshop Participants

Naturalist Guide Commissioned by a School, includes Butterflies and Birds

Maharashtra Native Tree Guide made for Vocal for Local Trees Program

Plant-Insect-Bird Relationship Explained

How To Use the Guide

Palash (Native Tree), Note Green Tick and BioPower Index

Gulmohar (Foreign Tree), Note the Red Cross

Sample of Butterfly Page

Sample of Bird Page