Our "Vocal of Local Trees" campaign is the cornerstone of our outreach.

The campaign spreads awareness about the importance of planting native trees. We kickstarted our campaign with a webinar supported by prominent environmentalists.

With the support of large Indian media house, the program extended our outreach to 700 schools with around 80,000 kids participating in a "Vocal for Local Trees" school competition.

To connect with local gardeners and landscapers, we’ve published city-wise lists of native plants ranked by the amount of biodiversity they support classified as trees, climbers, shrubs, and grasses.

Our petition to the government for rules to mandate local trees received nearly 10,000 signatures in just a few months. Please sign and share our link ahead.

Vocal for Local Trees Campaign

Sign our Petition

Vocal for Local Trees Webinar

Creating Awareness for the Cause

School Outreach